Solutions by Service

AMI performs all types of physical Asset Base Lending (ABL) field and desktop examination services in accordance with the parameters defined in lease or loan agreements. A field examination may include inspection of a client’s pledged assets, books and records review, and may include an appraisal to validate the collateral support for any lending facility. For AMI’s borrowing clients, we identify their asset’s equity and then advise them on securing favorable funding. The types of field inspections offered by AMI include:

  • Pre-delivery site survey
  • Progress payment/takedown pre-authorization
  • Pre-acceptance/funding inspection
  • New business field examination
  • Recurring during-term examinations
  • Physical inventory audits
  • Soft cost validation and market comparison analysis

Contact us to discuss how AMI can help you secure your investments with professionally executed field and market audits.

Whether on a motorway or at an industrial site, AMI’s accident investigation and reconstruction services help determine how an accident occurred, ascertain the root cause, and develop an incident-avoidance strategy designed to prevent future accidents.

Contact us to discuss how AMI can help your case development while delivering a proactive incident avoidance strategy.

We help our client’s streamline and standardize their procurement and MRO policies and practices then, assist with delivery, commissioning, implementation of new procedures, and provide ongoing monitoring.

Contact us to discuss how AMI can help you improve your procurement process.

Our ASA Certified Senior Appraisers will provide USPAP compliant appraisals in a retrospective, current fair market value, or prospective form. Our program is designed to analyze every affected asset for proper classification and value. This information is used to support filing postures for defense in an audit and supports the filing posture during an appeal. AMI does not advice on real-property (real estate) valuations rather, the physical assets and inventory. Also see Cost Segregation.

Contact us to discuss how AMI can help your organization reduce its tax burden.

Data capture is one thing. Data interpretation is another. Having the skills to formulate a predictive business model begins with APR. We understand the complexities of implementing a physical asset management program. The real work come when the data collected then interpreted. When performed properly, the MRO portion of our client’s operations will change from reactive, to preventative, and eventually predictive.

Contact AMI to discuss Advance Pattern Recognition and how, when used properly, will benefit multiple areas within your organization.

Often, when a request for a physical asset is submitted, the decision makers, the procurement staff, or the requesting staff member are not experts regarding the proposed asset or its proposed application.

Their experience acquiring or specifying specialized equipment is limited whereas, AMI’s team has decades of experience in specifying, negotiating terms, determining cost worthy options, while comparing various makes and models not only based on today’s offering, but also taking into account past deliverables and performance by each prospective manufacturer.

Contact us to see how your next capital project will benefit from AMI’s experience.

Our ASA Certified Senior Appraisers will provide USPAP compliant appraisals in a retrospective, current fair market value, or prospective format. Certified Asset Appraisals are critical for M&A, property tax appeal, sale-leaseback opportunities, and may be required by lenders prior to funding. If a client does not agree with an appraisal generated at the behest of a lender, tax appraiser, insurance appraiser, or would-be M&A suitor they may request their own independent appraisal.

Contact your representative today to discuss your appraisal needs.

If a client does not agree with a Certified Asset Appraisal, it may be challenged by another ASA or an ASA-ARM (Appraisal Review and Management) Certified Appraiser.

Contact your representative today to discuss your appraisal and how we may help you with your appraisal review needs.

Measuring the performance of an activity, process, or asset is critical to an organization’s success. As important is, knowing what to measure and how to measure. AMI’s team knows how to establish key benchmarks that are critical to a perpetual improvement (Kaizen) business model.

Contact AMI for a free initial consultation.

A properly defined and executed Asset Disposition Strategy will securely and responsibly reuse, redeploy, sell or, recycle assets which are no longer needed or no longer in service. The ultimate mission is to generate revenue for the company by liquidating used, obsolete, excess, and unserviceable property. AMI works with our clients to uncover or create consistently reliable disposition solutions. We develop intra-departmental relationships to Increase and/or enhance revenue realization opportunities for your physical assets. Your end-of-term needs will be in a perpetual state of change so, our goal is to advise and assist as you transcend these challenges, while delivering near-term gains and long-term skills and practices for your staff while positioning them for success in the future. A solid-well defined and executed asset disposition strategy is a key pillar of measuring and maximizing an asset’s economic useful lifecycle. AMI’s team have developed asset disposition programs for over $1 billion of physical assets.

Let AMI’s team of Experts help you realize the full potential of your physical assets.

When acquiring physical assets, the determination of how to pay for the assets is a dynamic question. Your current corporate tax position, debt covenants, cost of capital, available government assistance programs, terms of existing contracts, etc. all play a vital role in how an asset acquisition should be funded. At AMI, we believe that all transactions stand on their own merit and there is no “one size fits all.”

The options, for how an asset acquisition is funded, are many. A sampling of these options include a purchase, lease, finance, rent, refurbish, rebuild, or remanufacture. In addition, sources of funds should be considered individually and collectively.

Members of AMI’s team are Certified Lease & Finance Professionals (CLFP) with over 25 years of equipment lease and finance experience.

Contact AMI to discuss how we can help you choose the right financing path.

To have control of your assets and receive the maximum return on your investment, a comprehensive Asset Management Program must be developed and implemented. AMI has the skill resources to establish an Asset Management Launch Team, capable of acting as interim management until your custom program is staffed, trained, and fully functional. Also, AMI’s team can advise your existing team on methods to improve you existing programs.

Contact AMI for a free initial consultation.

A long-term strategy that is clearly mapped out, by asset class, defining key trigger points throughout the lifecycle of each asset as well as executing the high-level directives of the company.

Contact AMI to discuss how we can assist your team develop a deliverable AMP.

Inevitably, multiple departments within your organization play a role in the lifecycle of your physical assets. This includes the staff involved in the needs justification, RFP development, vendor selection, contract negotiations, means of payment, preventative and reactive maintenance, ongoing asset audits, disposition, and more. We help all departments and team members develop and execute a common-clearly defined stewardship directive.

Contact AMI for a free initial consultation.

An ongoing and fluid assessment requiring constant measurement for comparison to initial assumptions. To maximize an asset’s ROA (return on asset), AMI guides our clients to a balanced utilization strategy. Over utilization and underutilization inevitably, will cost more money over the asset’s lifecycle.

Contact AMI to discuss how we can improve your asset productivity.

Successful businesses are always prepared to pivot, ready to modify their market strategy, expand, or refine their business model. Inevitably, in any of these scenarios, their physical asset requirements and management position will be affected. Through these transitions, the client may need different types of assets to accommodate their proposed pivot or, the assets may now operate in an under or overcapacity situation or, a different type of asset class may be required to accommodate the new tasks. Maintenance strategies and training programs must be reviewed. Anyone of these pivots will require management to reconsider and amend the respective budgets, modify current forecasts, and develop an implementation strategy.

Contact AMI to discuss how our team of experts can help you develop a more accurate budget forecast.

We are experts at identifying personal property assets that are grouped with real-property assets and understand the importance of separating out personal property assets for tax reporting purposes. The goal is to accelerate depreciation and assign assets to their proper MACRS class life based on the asset’s class and application.

Contact AMI to discuss how our team of experts can help minimize your tax burden.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR mediation and arbitration) offers a method of settling issues outside of the conventional courtroom. ADR is often less expensive, private, permits greater control for the parties, a faster path to resolution, and enables the opposing parties to mutually select the Arbitrator or Mediator.

AMI’s Mediators and Arbitrators (Neutrals) are unbiased professionals that have extensive experience in their respective fields (i.e. automotive, engineering, manufacturing, logistics, finance, etc.). After mastering their fields, our Mediation and Arbitration team members, through additional schooling and certification, are now able to conduct knowledge and experience based mediation and arbitration sessions with the results and rulings accepted by the courts.

With AMI, your case will be heard by a Certified individual(s) that have experience with Physical Asset Management and often familiar with the specific nuances of your industry and how it operates. Mediation or Arbitration is a better and more expeditious alternative as compared to obtaining counsel and having your case heard by a generalist. Choose an Expert.

If you want to significantly reduce your legal costs and time required to achieve an accurate resolution, contact AMI today.

Our clients manage and compete over finite resources within their respective organizations. The struggle doesn’t end there, they will have to compete with a multitude of industry and market variables. To be successful, they must stay ahead of the curve. This is only possible by not only having accurate data, but knowing how to read it and develop predictive analytics. This all starts with knowing what data to capture and how to capture it.

Contact AMI to discuss how we can help your organization prepare for the inevitable headwinds of business.

Most clients appear to have a handle on their centralized MRO spend however, after further analysis, it’s the decentralized spend that is bleeding the company’s coffers. While major appropriations tend to get all the attention, typically being controlled and scrutinized at the corporate level, it’s the minor one-off transaction that tend to get companies in legal and financial difficulties.

Contact AMI to discuss how we can help you control and eliminate rogue requisitions by developing better controls.

The purchasing group negotiated a great contract, but who followed up to see if the vendor held up their end of the deal? Success isn’t measured by the delivery of the asset alone, rather it’s the after-the-sale service, adjustments, warranty, spare parts delivery, loaner units, training, and more.

Contact AMI to see how we can, as an independent 3rd party, measure the deliverable and help secure your investment.

AMI will assist your legal counsel’s efforts to develop a more target line of questioning as well as interpret responses. Our assistance will be limited to the area of physical asset management, as defined by AMI’s services offering, or in other areas upon request.

Contact us to discuss how AMI can assist your legal efforts.

Normally associated with automobiles, Diminished Value  is defined as the perceived loss in value of a car following a car accident due to an accident, even after repairs have been completed. There is a common understanding of inherent Diminished Value to be the perception that a collision-damaged vehicle is worth less than one that never sustained collision damage. Further, various state laws regarding disclosure of damage history in the sale of new and used vehicles places a big “red flag” on a collision-damaged vehicle in the secondary market. Readily available databases such as CarFax and Auto-Check, only exacerbate the negative perception. On the industrial side, other non-DMV related assets may suffer the same inherent Diminished Value. Most clients are unaware of the financial impact until they sell the asset at the end of its applicable lifecycle.

Let AMI help you minimize your diminished value exposure by interacting with your insurance company on your behalf.

AMI’s team is trained and certified in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Our focus is to leverage our unique understanding of physical assets, their operation, the managing of the assets and their maintenance throughout their lifecycle. Whether a dispute is between your organization and your vendor or simply an internal communication issue, the guidance of a well-trained ADR professional may be priceless.

Contact us for a free consultation.

We know, from experience, due diligence does not end at a balance sheet or spreadsheet. There is a never-ending flow of influencers that effect your procurement and operational requirements. AMI’s unique-market experience, access to industry experts, and trade specific database subscriptions will help you unearth potential problems before they become catastrophic issues in the future. Moreover, properly executed due diligence often unearths opportunities providing a competitive advantage for our clients.

When an employee is tasked with the addition burden of performing due diligence for a project, large or small, their normal duties or the due diligence efforts will suffer. This is especially true, if the employee is not a subject-matter expert.

Contact us to discuss how AMI’s exhaustive due diligence can support your next key decision.

As a lessor, asset-based lender, or financer it’s critical to know the condition of their assets and collateral during the term as well as at the end of term (EOT). Adherence to maintenance, usage, and return provisions as defined in any ABL Finance or Lease Agreement foremost in he eyes of the Lender to ensure the assets value assumptions. 

For financial institutions, AMI’s experts can perform infield inspections, desktop inspections, and maintenance reviews to help secure the ongoing value of your investment.

For Lessees, AMI can provide an unbiased knowledge-based opinion as to the condition, maintenance competence, and value of assets in dispute.  Rest assured, your financial institution will employ the services of one or more experts. AMI’s team will support and guide you through any dispute or negotiation sessions you may encounter with your financial institution.  

You don’t have to go it alone, contact us for details.

End of term negotiation support typically applies to leasing, rental of equipment or other term-use physical assets. Often a lessor will request 3rd party involvement to address the required repairs of a returned asset that are deemed beyond “normal and customary” wear and tear. End of term (EOT) and/or return provision, in the agreement/contract, provides the lessor the opportunity to be made whole while maintaining the good relationship with the lessee. The lessee may request a 3rd party expert’s involvement at the end of the term to protect their position while mitigating damages. Also, exercising a purchase option such as a TRAC (terminal rental adjustment clause) may be heavily negotiated at the end of the base term. AMI has experience supporting the lessor and the lessee as well as acted as the neutral as both Mediator and Appraiser.

Contact us for details.

Independent 3rd party asset inspections are required for a variety of reasons including pre-funding, condition reporting for refinancing or insurance purposes, maintenance provision compliance, utilization compliance, M&A purposes, and more. At AMI, we’re able to perform in person or desktop inspections.

Call us to discuss the best option for your current needs.

A maintenance facility, production shop, warehouse/distribution center must be designed with safety and efficiencies in mind. This isn’t only applicable to new operations. Older operations, although efficient at one time, have outgrown their previously designed flow patterns and may require a makeover.

If you have safety concerns, are experiencing low production, considering new manufacturing equipment resulting in a modified footprint, have an uptick with onsite accidents, or encountering excessive internal product damage give our team a call to discuss how AMI can help you improve safety and efficiencies at your operation.

Far too often, we have witnessed buyer’s remorse after an ERP or fleet/asset management system has been selected and implemented. Although marketed with “infinite flexibility” the client soon realize, when they were in too deep to change, the flexibility was now labeled “customization” complete with a never-ending stream of consultant’s invoices that far outweigh the initially proposed operational savings.

Having the ability to cross pollinate information across departmental silos is critical. Similarly, this information or portions thereof may be shared with your vendors so they may service your account predictively and proactively to help ensure better asset uptime. Also, vendors are often required to populate data in your ERP, with strict limitations and controls, thus reducing your staff’s burden. As asset management is our space and our core competence, let us help you avoid costly mistakes.

Contact us to discuss how we can assist your efforts with an Asset & Fleet Management ERP Systems selection, program implementation, and ongoing training.

Force majeure provisions in certain finance/lease, rental, or service agreements may be onerous if the type of asset or the application is not taken into consideration. Your protection and exposure may pose an unnecessary risk. 

Out team has decades of contract and litigation expertise. We focus on equipment leases, ABL finance agreements, warranty issues, maintenance matters, mechanical failures, performance clause enforcement and remedies.

Call us for a free initial consultation.

AMI is a proud member of the Forensic Expert Witness Association specializing in mechanical failure analysis and determination, accident reconstruction, maintenance standards, operational standards, safety standards, benchmarking of normal and customary industry standards and practices, OSHA, DOT, FRA, and AAR compliance, lease and finance contract compliance, bankruptcy and receivership.

Contact us for a free consultation.

There are countless government and agency-based stimulus programs offered to business annually. Unfortunately, these programs may be funded then defunded several times throughout the year. These offerings focus on new asset acquisitions, existing asset replacement and disposition, emission reduction, power/utility reduction, alternative fuel, fleet electrification, green building enhancements, job generation, and more. These incentives take many forms including tax abatements, accelerated depreciation, financial participation or, full reimbursement for acquiring certain physical assets.

Contact AMI so we may assist your efforts in navigating these opportunities as they apply to your current or future needs.

AMI is a proud member of the National Safety Council and OSHA Certified in General Industrial. We have a strong focus in Powered Industrial Truck training, Powered Industrial Truck safety, and overall asset electrification and battery charging stations and battery handling safety related issues.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Selection of a maintenance provider is one of the most critical decisions in the lifecycle of a physical asset. The return on investment and the utilization of an asset will be driven by its available uptime. If the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) model is factored into your procurement decisions, your assumptions may be grossly inaccurate if the wrong service provider or method were used to generate the TCO results. Selecting the best maintenance method and maintenance provider is a complicated, yet critical, process of which, the team at AMI has decades of experience.

Contact us to discuss your maintenance solution and selection.

Claim dispute and settlement offer review. This may include repair cost audit, appraisal pre and post-accident, coverage review, and acting as a Neutral for Mediation and Arbitration purposes.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Our highly specialized Interim Managers (IM) provide comprehensive and targeted solutions for managing and implementing change, both in operations and culture. Our IMs help to ensure significant and timely results by reducing uncertainty in a high-risk environment.

AMI’s clients increasingly use Interim Managers as they undergo bold transformation processes. Utilizing experienced interim managers can offer strategic advantages and create value for all parties involved while providing time to search for and train the replacement management team.

We take a surgical approach to implementing change at the ground level while fostering the Executive Team’s directives. AMI offers fractional as-needed support, long-term or, short-term engagements. If your goal is to grow faster, quickly transform, turnaround the organization, or modify the culture, our elite team of interim executives will partner with you to help achieve your objectives.

Contact us for a free initial assessment and discuss how AMI can assist you with your next business transition.

Project objectives are not always clear and often have no pre-defined measurables. These Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are critical to ensure your project team has the performance data it needs for sustained improvement. With KPIs, a team can evaluate the success of a project against the established goals while providing meaningful feedback to the team throughout the term of the project. AMI can help your team craft actionable objectives that will provide focus, and ongoing feedback to your staff and executive team.

Sound KPIs are a reflection of your strategic priorities.

Contact AMI to discuss how we can help your team develop the measurables of your success.

Before, during, and after a Merger or Acquisition an appropriate assessment and control of the physical assets will be critical to the project’s success. There will valuation discrepancies, condition issues, application issues, financing/leasing and vendor contract hurdles, there will be redundant assets, employees will encounter cultural issues, pre and post M&A asset condition reporting, and physical asset management with operation policies must be standardized. Then, the newly standardized policies must be delivered with sufficient training to ensure a rapid transformation with full buy-in.

Contact AMI to discuss how we may assist you with your next M&A.

In an ideal world, Vendors would respect the wishes of their clients before, during, and after the sale. Unfortunately, without clearly defined expectations and constant monitoring, vendors and their clients tend not to be on the same page. If the relationship or understanding between the vendor and the client gets off the rails, it can have a serious impact to the client’s operation and budget. Sometimes a neutral 3rd party is required to get the parties back on track.

In addition, there is always the potential for fraud. Fraud can be as simple as charging for repairs during the warranty period, not forwarding or applying rebates, charging for work that was covered on a manufacturer’s recall, excessive travel time, rental units, hotshot parts shipping charges, misdiagnosis, mechanical incompetence and more. For many clients, the hurdle from initial suspicion to taking confident action can be significant. Most clients do not want to believe one of their dealers or service providers could be fraudulent. In addition, many clients rely on their vendors for a majority of their operational support, making it difficult to confront them without overwhelming evidence unearthed by AMI’s team. From a reputation standpoint, managers may not want to risk going public and admit to being “duped.” That’s where AMI comes in. We will diplomatically tackle both financial and service related discrepancies and seek refunds where applicable. 

Contact us to discuss how we may help improve your vendor relationships.

From a Lessor’s perspective, return provisions are critical to protect their equity position in the asset. Unique assets require specific language written into the financing or leasing documentation to cover specialized maintenance, operation assumptions and limitations, seasonal storage requirements, and clearly defined return provisions. Clear and concise asset specific language leaves nothing up to interpretation, is a plus when considering syndication, and helps maintain the relationship with the lessee for the next transaction.

Contact us for a free consultation.

AMI helps both the Lessor and the Lessee by performing field or desktop maintenance audits and analysis.

In addition, AMI helps our clients that incorporate a 3rd party service provider ensure they are getting what they pay for. With an Analysis and Audit, we will determine if the maintenance is adequate to comply with financing or leasing agreements, if it meets or exceeds the manufacturer’s recommendations, if the quality and craftmanship or the maintenance performed is sufficient, if the parts are of acceptable quality, were the diagnostic techniques and were the diagnostic assumptions correct. AMI’s team will perform a labor and parts market pricing analysis, assess the work performed versus the initial complaint, review warranty claims versus customer pay, and determine if the work was performed as billed.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Was the required services or preventative maintenance performed in accordance with manufacturer’s specification or was the terms of the maintenance contract fulfilled? By physical inspection, testing, sampling, and chemical analysis AMI’s team can put together a maintenance photograph of the asset’s history. This information may be critical when attempting to determine the cause of a mechanical failure or the contributing factors of an accident. Also essential for your legal team as they develop their case or defense.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Sadly, and all too often, we hear “…this is the way we’ve always done it” or “I don’t know who’s responsible for that. When it’s broken, someone fixes it.

Based on the size of your asset fleet, chances are your maintenance is being performed by in-house staff as well as a 3rd party maintenance providers. With that, a blanket program will not cover the specific needs of each unique asset or their respective application. An in-depth review of an existing program, along with an interview of the stake holders and maintenance personnel will identify any issues that may pose a negative impact to the operation of your organization. AMI will help guide the development of a future-facing Maintenance Program that is clearly defined and obtainable.

Contact us to discuss how AMI can help you improve your Maintenance Program.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Contact us for a free consultation.

The environment in which your physical assets are required to operate can be extremely harsh. Dust, road salt, chemical exposure, road conditions, floor conditions, and temperature extremes all play a role in the economic lifecycle of an asset. If handled properly and if the assets specifications are correct, the effects of these impactful influencers can be lessened. 

Modifying specifications or adding specific protection packages, enclosures, or environmental specific add-on features can significantly prolong the economic useful life of your physical assets. AMI’s team has extensive experience specifying and commissioning assets that are required to work in extreme conditions including; inclement weather, caustic chemicals, corrosive materials, salt water, and more.   

Contact AMI to discuss how we can help prolog the life and operational uptime of your physical assets.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Contact us for a free consultation.

A Pre-purchase Inspection is often a requirement prior to funding by a Lessor or Bank. Also, this service is used to support Sale/Lease back opportunities as well as M&A due diligence.

Contact us for a free consultation.

One of the most misunderstood and failed decisions business leaders make. The question is “…am I throwing good money after bad?” Unfortunately, the answer is very complex and comes with a plethora of effectors.

Let AMI provide the clarity necessary to answer this simple, yet complex, question. Contact us for a free consultation.

Residual values are an assumption determined prior to funding. Unfortunately, realized residual value does not always lineup with the initial residual assumptions. After viable due diligence, a portfolio may be worth more or, potentially less than the initial offering.

In the event a manufacturer or vendor offers a residual guarantee, there remains unforeseen exposure as the credit worthiness of the guarantor may change over time. Similarly, changing market conditions can negatively affect future economic assumptions. This is equally true for specialized assets with unique applications. Over exposure, regardless of guarantees, can become a serious risk to the actual versus assumed future value. Dedicated vendor leasing/financing providers and others that rely on the equity and residual of their portfolio should review their exposure on an ongoing basis. That’s where the expertise of AMI’s team, as an unbiased third party, comes into play.

Contact us for a free consultation.

With any lease or rental agreement there is an expectation as to the condition and usage degradation of the asset at the time of return. Acceptable limitations must be clearly defined and should be modified to accommodate the specific asset as well as the specific application. If not properly addressed on the front end, both party’s risk significant financial exposure as well as jeopardizing their relationship.

Contact us to discuss how AMI may help protect your best interest while preserving your business relationships.

Event Data Recorder (EDR) and Engine Control Module (ECM) provide a critical snapshot of the state of a vehicle prior to and at the time of an incident or accident. AMI has the ability to collect this information and analyze the data then deliver it in a clear-concise format. AMI’s team advises and provides Expert Witness services to our clients and their legal team.

Contact us for a free consultation.

The success of any project or acquisition depends on refining your request for proposal (RFP) process. With an effective RFP process in place, our Clients spend less time and money by pre-qualifying a vendor’s capabilities and their willingness to work within the Client’s requirements.

Poor process and suboptimal outcomes are all too common characteristics of bad sourcing events. Used properly, an a properly engineered RFP can offer both tactical and strategic value.

Contact AMI to take the next critical step towards improving your RFP outcomes and maximizing your projects ROI.

Contact us for a free consultation.

A strong safety program is critical for every company. That is why AMI will only provide Safety Program Development services to the segments of your organization that fit within our core competence. As experts in specific assets classes, industries, and applications we understand the unique hazards and safety omissions of a vanilla “one size fits all” safety program.

Contact us to discuss your concerns how we may improve your existing Safety Program.

A sale-leaseback transaction is a creative funding alternative designed to help clients unlock the equity of their physical assets. AMI reviews each asset involved in the transaction and conducts a thorough valuation and condition report. Further, we advise on the viability of the transaction as well as the minimum and maximum term based on multiple forward-thinking factors effecting the asset.

Contact us to discuss this complex, yet creative, funding structure.

Pre-funding site evaluation is common with most lenders and leasing companies. The operating conditions, where the physical asset will operate, will play an integral role in the lender’s residual and collateral exposure assumptions. Site evaluation and physical asset inspection is also critical to support a client’s M&A efforts.

Contact us to schedule an onsite or virtual desktop assessment.

Every location and every application possess their own unique hurdles. This is evident in OSHA Industrial Truck rulings whereby every forklift operator must be certified by forklift type by location thus illustrating how each location is unique and poses its own set of safety challenges. We believe every asset, application, environment, staffing attitudes, and company cultures all require bespoke solutions.

Contact us to discuss how AMI’s team can organization achieve a higher level of safety awareness.

Although often overlooked, transaction soft costs often account for over 50% of total funding. AMI’s vast transaction experience and exposure to the technical and engineering costs associated with design, transportation, and commissioning of industrial assets places us in a unique position to review your soft costs, provide cost segregation advisement to help our clients maximize tax depreciation and savings over the lifecycle of their assets.

Contact us for a free consultation and to learn more about how AMI’s team can help minimize the financial impact of unchecked soft costs.

Companies often over spec or under spec equipment. Sometimes they are sold into the wrong piece of equipment because it was advantageous for the sales rep or the company they represent. AMI advises our clients, as a 3rd party neutral, ensuring the client gets what they need at an appropriate price point.

Contact us to discover how AMI can help ensure your next acquisition is the right one.

As part of AMI’s expert witness and litigation support, our team reviews discovery and advise counsel of potentially altered or omitted evidence.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) vs. Total Profit of Ownership (TPO). A creative means of measuring non-conventional effectors when determining the viability of a new physical asset acquisition. Often used for acquisition, upgrading or, expansion purposes. When securing 3rd party financing, TPO help fulfill the “critical use” requirements of lenders.

Contact us for details.

Choosing a telematics system can be a daunting task. Knowing what data to record and establishing system limits can be overwhelming and, if you get it wrong, the financial implications and operational downtime can be significant.

Contact AMI to discuss how our team can manage and advise the initiation and review of your telematics and monitoring programs.

We believe a successful training program incorporates fluid teaching techniques (critical thinking) and crystallized teaching techniques (accumulated knowledge) combined with subject specific expertise. Our goal is to provide a curriculum deliverable uniquely designed to maximize the student’s retention. Our offerings include the development of a training format unique to the needs and goals of each project.

Contact us to discuss how AMI can help you develop a superior training deliverable.

We know that ideas are only part of the solution. Change Management is essential if real improvements are to be realized and maintained. This is achieved, in part, with ongoing measurements (KPI). AMI will develop easily digestible Transformation Program deliverables while establishing a means to measure and analyze the program’s progress and status.

Contact AMI to discuss how we may help you to solidify the future success of your projects.

AMI’s asset specific experts provide corrective physical asset management services. Proper physical asset management services can be the determining factor of success or failure during a period of corporate turnaround or restructuring.

Contact us to learn more about AMI’s corrective physical asset management services.

AMI is often called upon to review our client’s physical asset portfolio and assess their position in the market. Once this information is gathered, we develop a short and long-term strategy designed to maximize the ROI of the assets. Based on proposed utilization, the acquisition of a new piece of equipment isn’t always justified. We help our clients develop a refurbishment, rebuild, remanufacture, and redeployment strategy.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Traditionally, a Useful Lifecycle Analysis (ULA) is an afterthought. As a best practice, a ULA should be conducted the same time you consider acquiring an asset. There are numerous spinoff analysis we perform for our clients that enable us to drill down on the specific hot-buttons important to each client. The initial assumptions must be checked, rechecked, and adjusted throughout the life of the asset.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Utilization analysis (UA) is the foundation of any effective physical asset management program. UA is a measurement that should be established before an asset is acquired, measured throughout its lifecycle, and analyzed at the time of its disposition. Benchmarks, that must be established prior to acquisition, should be checked and adjusted throughout the life of the asset. Benchmarks and measuring methods change based on asset class, operating, environment, operator competence, and adherence to properly executed maintenance program. AMI’s team of experts have decades of experience establishing the architecture of a successful asset utilization program.

Contact us to discuss how AMI’s Utilization Analysis program can help your organization maximize the ROI of your physical assets.

AMI provides USPAP compliant appraisal services performed by ASA Senior Appraisers. The appraisal report is a powerful benchmarking tool that assists our clients when making key business decisions. The purpose of ongoing valuation services is to track the effectiveness of your strategic decision-making process and provide the ability to track performance in terms of estimated change in value, not just in revenue.

Contact us to discuss how valuation services can help your organization.

Dealership and service provider fraud in the U.S. is substantial. Although the true size of warranty fraud is unknown as a large number of fraud cases are never reported, warranty fraud is estimated to be as high as 10% of warranty expenses or 2% to 4% of company revenues annually. With total warranty expense by U.S.-based companies at $26.1 billion. In 2018, dealer/servicer fraud is estimated at $2.61 billion annually.

Dealer and servicer fraud including, but not limited to, over-charging for repairs, conducting repairs right before warranty period ends, replacing parts instead of repairing them, charging the manufacturer and consumer for the same repair, making false representations regarding the quality of parts, substituting lower cost parts (non OEM) in order to maximize margin, installing used parts while charging for new, charging for work that was not completed or done at all, submitting multiple invoices for parts/work, and submitting false or inflated invoices.

Contact us for a free consultation to discuss how AMI targets fraud and works feverishly to get reimbursement for unsubstantiated upcharges and expenses from your vendors.

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