Project - Transportation
- Industry
- Asset Class
- Locations
- Skills
- Status
- Transportation
- Over the road Class-8
- USA and Canada
- Mechanical, finance, legal
- Ongoing
The Challenge
A transportation company was attempting to acquire another transpiration company in a a different geographical market. The client leased the majority of their motorized vehicles whereas, the company being acquired owned the majority of their assets. How could these two opposing styles exist within a newly formed partenrship?
Project Solutions
Project Solution 1
Assess both company's physical asset records then perform spot field inspections to determine accuracy of data, methods of accumulating data, and determine operating costs per hour by asset class for both companies
Project Solution 2
Identified redundant and under-utilized assets. Disposed of obsolete assets, redeployed under-utilized assets to a higher demand application. Terminated and/or renegotiated lease agreements and maintenance contracts
Project Solution 3
Created a training program with rollout for procurement, operations, and maintenance staff with ongoing follow up and improvement initiative directives
* OPEX, as used in this graph, is limited to the assets defined within the project.